Summertime means pool time! Whether you’re hanging out at a friend’s house, or you have your own pool, there are plenty of pool games for adults to enjoy. Here are a few of our favourites:
- Marco Polo – This game is perfect for all ages. One person is “it” and they close their eyes and count to 10. All the other players splash around and hide, then one player calls out “Marco” and the “it” player tries to find them. If you get tagged, you become “it”.
- Sharks and Minnows – This game is perfect for older kids and adults. One player is the shark and the other players are minnows. The shark tries to tag the minnows, and the minnows try to avoid being tagged. If you get tagged, you become a shark.
- Ring Toss – This game is perfect for all ages. Players throw rings over a pool noodle, or other object, and try to get as many rings around the object as possible.
- Volleyball – This game is perfect for all ages. Players try to hit a volleyball over the net and into their opponent’s side of the pool.
- Water Polo – This game is perfect for older kids and adults. Players try to hit a ball into the opposing team’s goal.

Summertime is the perfect time for pool games! Whether you’re swimming in a pool or just using one to cool off, playing games is a great way to have some fun. Here are some of our favourites:
Marco Polo: One person is “It” and closes their eyes while the other players splash around and call out “Marco!”. The player who is “It” tries to tag the other players, and the first one they touch is out.
Water Polo: Similar to regular polo, but played with water instead of a ball. Two teams of players try to score goals by throwing the ball into the other team’s goal.
Tag: A classic game that can be played in the pool or out. One person is “It” and tries to tag the other players. If you’re tagged, you’re out.
Water balloon toss: A great game for a large group. Divide players into two teams and have each team stand in a line. Give each player a water balloon and have them stand a few feet apart. On “go”, players toss their balloon to the player next to them. The team that finishes first wins.
These are just a few of our favourite pool games – get creative and come up with your own!